“Domestic violence is always wrong” – strong message from the Archbishop of Uganda

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[Kampala, Uganda, ACNS] Archbishop Stanley Ntagali, the Primate of the Church of the Province of Uganda, has used his Easter message to stress that domestic violence is “always wrong”. His message was a response to comments by Member of Parliament Onesmus Twinamasiko, who said in a tv interview: “As a man, you need to discipline your wife. You need to touch her a bit, and you tackle her and you beat her somehow to streamline her”. Archbishop Stanley said: “I want to state categorically and very clearly that the Church of Uganda does not support his views. Even though he is an Anglican, he and his views do not represent the Church of Uganda. We condemn all domestic violence. No exceptions.”

[Kampala, Uganda, ACNS] Archbishop Stanley Ntagali, the Primate of the Church of the Province of Uganda, has used his Easter message to stress that domestic violence is “always wrong”. His message was a response to comments by Member of Parliament Onesmus Twinamasiko, who said in a tv interview: “As a man, you need to discipline your wife. You need to touch her a bit, and you tackle her and you beat her somehow to streamline her”. Archbishop Stanley said: “I want to state categorically and very clearly that the Church of Uganda does not support his views. Even though he is an Anglican, he and his views do not represent the Church of Uganda. We condemn all domestic violence. No exceptions.”

The MP had given the interview to respond to earlier comments from Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni, who said on International Women’s Day (8 March) that “men who beat women are foolish and cowardly.” The President had urged churches to speak out against gender-based violence – something that Archbishop Stanley has consistently done.

“We too easily resort to violence in order to resolve conflict – even petty conflicts. That is not the way of Jesus,” he said.

“Men: it is NEVER right to beat your wife. Women: it is NEVER right to resolve conflict with violence. Women, you should never believe your aunties when they tell you that if your husband doesn’t beat you then that means he doesn’t love you. That is a lie.

“Listen to me carefully. The position of the Church of Uganda is that domestic violence is always wrong. Always.

“Please learn the way of Jesus, which is the way of life. Jesus destroyed the culture of death through his resurrection, and he brought us a culture of life. So, I ask you, “Why are we continuing the culture of death?”

“I am glad to know that the Hon MP has apologised before Parliament. I urge him to now show the fruits of repentance and become a public leader in the fight against domestic violence, and in his own family and marriage to practice love and preach love to others.”

Click here to read Archbishop Stanley Ntagali’s full Easter message.

Source: ACNS

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