75 peace builders graduate

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Seventy-five peace builders including twenty female and fifty-five males from the ten states and Nuba mountains on Saturday graduated in Yei Municipality of Central Equatoria State under the theme “Here am I, send me”.
Seventy-five peace builders including twenty female and fifty-five males from the ten states and Nuba mountains on Saturday graduated in Yei Municipality of Central Equatoria State under the theme “Here am I, send me”.
The peace builders spent three months training in Yei Reconcile Peace Institute to supplement efforts of healing trauma and pursuing peace through amicable means, Radio Easter reported.
Peace builders’ representative, Malish James, says they learnt non violent and conflict resolution skills, urging for establishment of peace centre for high education.
The Institute’s Principal, Selvis Smith, says the peace builders and trauma healers had spiritual and practical learning in their course before graduating.
Board of Governors representative Mbale Peter, who chaired the graduation, urges the peace builders to properly utilize the knowledge gained to bring peace and heal trauma in the nation.
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