Same points stall declaration of Yei Premier League winner

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[Yei, South Sudan, TCT] As league competition approaches ends, a winner of the first division local premier league title for Yei still remains decisive on an expected play off as rivals bare the same points. For the first time, Dreams and Nasir Football clubs, remain core to entangle in a playoff game to ascertain the champion of the 2015 title as football article rules out goals count. Dreams FC in the second place of the Yei local premier league table has 34 points and 21 goals while more goals’ leading rival, Nasir FC with 34 points and 25 goals. According to article 15 of Yei football association rules and regulations, “any club that has more points is considered champions”, but the article has not valued goals. Dreams FC was not available for immediate reaction. But Nasir FC has already delivered their rejection letter to the association over the issue, said Yei Football association head John James Wani. He warned in reference to article 96, that any team that refuses to play the match or cause delay shall be considered a loser and fined less than 2, 000 pounds. “There must be play off organized so that the winner is out. Because we consider the points”, said James in local radio talk show on Saturday. “It is not me but the article, so we have to abide by it”. However, the decision to host a play off final before the end of October has been criticized by so many people, who argue that goal count is pivotal to solve situations of same points. Moses Awu, a football fan in Yei, refers the association to consider article 112, which gives the chance on goals. “The 112 says when the two teams are having the same points, there goal different should be considered”, he said. Moses warns that “forcing a replay will jeopardize the lives of the referees in Yei”. “May be they have to bring their referees from Juba”, he said. The Acting Secretary General of South Sudan Football Association, Stanislaus Luwala, says the two clubs have no alternative, but to play the to-be scheduled final. He says considering the goals count will need the general assembly to sit down and deliberate on the article. “This is our own regulation we made it, which is to fit our situation in South Sudan”, he said in telephone participation to the program. “If you want to change it, then you have to call for a general assembly, we are not denying the fact that there are some teams scoring 100 or 200 goals, but the bottom line is that if you have higher points, then you are the winner”, added Luwala. He challenges South Sudanese to avoid comparing the nation’s regulations to English premier league where goals are vital to determine a winner in case of similar points. In case of inconveniences, the acting secretary general advises football managers, officials or fans to appeal to the board of directors in accordance to the law. “By the way let us not confuse with other leagues England or Sudan or Germany. Let us use our own laws and let us follow it”. He said the system works the same for teams to be relegated to the second division and also those to be promoted to the first division.
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