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[WASHINGTON - VOA by Ayen Bior] He was once called a Lost Boy but today, his official title is Councilor-Elect.

Chol Majok won the 3rd District Common Council seat in Syracuse, New York, this week, becoming the first former refugee in city history to do so, according to Onondaga County’s Board of Elections.

Majok arrived in Syracuse 18 years ago with other Lost Boys of Sudan -- a group of 20,000 boys who were displaced or orphaned during the second Sudanese civil war in which about 2 million were killed. He was 16 years old and anxious to begin building his life.

He lived in foster homes until he turned 18, and although he was there for just two years, he says the conditions he experienced in the system changed his life. Read more on VOA

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[New York, USA, TCT] President of the United States Donald Trump wants nations of the world to bring to an end religious persecution.

“Today, with one clear voice, the United States of America calls upon the nations of the world to end religious persecution,” said the President during the Global Call to Protect Religious Freedom event at the United Nations, an article originally published in  

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